Past Retreats


November 9, 2017, Pittsburgh, PA

The Practice of Mindfulness:  A Retreat to Promote Self-Care
for the Professional Nurse

 sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh
School of Nursing Continuing Education

44th Annual National Conference of the
Professional Nurse Educators Group

Pitt Nursing Pre-Conference


April 15, 2016 (Session III), Pittsburgh, PA

The Practice of Mindfulness: A Retreat to Promote Self-Care 
for the Professional Nurse Educator and Leader,
to Understand the Role of
Mindfulness Meditation to Enhance Delivery of Nursing Care
sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Continuing Education

 Pitt Nursing CE calendar


January 16 and February 13, 2015 Pittsburgh, PA
The Practice of Mindfulness: A Retreat to Promote Self-Care 
for the Professional Nurse Educator and Leader,
to Understand the Role of
Mindfulness Meditation to Enhance Delivery of Nursing Care
sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Continuing Education


March 7, 2014, January 28, 2014, and October 18, 2013 Indiana, PA
Mindfulness Days for Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)
Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students
co-sponsored by the Mindful Living Learning Community and Center for Health and Well Being at Indiana University of Pennsylvania


September 28, 2013 -The Sacred Ground of Presence:
Meditation Practices for Daily Life
(Paoli, PA)
sponsored by The Spirituality Center at Daylesford Abbey

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Relevance, Prevalence, and Treatment
(Harrisburg, PA, 2012)
sponsored by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA)

The Practice of Mindfulness:
Self Care for Health Professionals
(Harrisburg, PA, 2012)
sponsored by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA)

Restoring Yourself Through
Mindfulness Meditation (Public Talk) A mind-body health workshop for
Creating Healthy Lifestyles
(Harrisburg, PA, 2012)
sponsored by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) and the Pennsyvlania Psychological Foundation

The Clinical Application of Mindfulness:
A Specialized Program for Clinical Disorders (For health professionals)
(Pittsburgh, PA, 2011 & 2012)
sponsored by the Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Association (GPPA)

Mindfulness and Traumatic Brain Injury
at the 2nd Annual Psychology and Neuropsychology of Traumatic Brain Injury Conference
(Pittsburgh, PA, 2011)
Co-sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Association


The Practice of Mindfulness:
Self Care for Health Professionals and the Public
(Pittsburgh, PA, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 2011 & Summer, Fall 2010)
sponsored by the Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Association (GPPA)

The Practice of Mindfulness:
Self Care for Health Professionals and Psychology Graduate Students
(Indiana, PA, 2010)
sponsored by the Center for Applied Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania